Positive growth forecast for Qwetu as Qwetu Sacco Plaza is opened

The financial year ending December 31 2023 recorded an upward growth in all key areas for Qwetu Sacco.

According to the Annual report and Financial statements presented to the delegates during this year’s ADM at Vacani Hotel in Voi by the sacco cha”rman Alfred Mlolwa, there was remarkable growth in membership, asset base, members deposits, loan portfolio and share capital.

The share capital recorded an impressive growth of 24 per cent, rising from Ksh 127, 529,814 in the year 2022 to Ksh 158, 964,828 in 2023.

The loan portfolio grew by 14 per cent, rising from Ksh 2,387, 680,175 in the year 2022 to Ksh 2, 733, 880,628 in 2023.

The asset base grew from Ksh 3,223,610,935 in 2022 to Ksh3,556,846,061, representing an upward increase of 10 per cent.

Members deposits increased from Ksh 2,133,418,234 in 2022 to Ksh 2,353,596,252 in 2023, an increase of 10 per cent as well.

The sacco membership increased from 53,691 in 2022 to 55,615 in 2023.

“The major business of the sacco is savings and credit for the mutual benefit of members. It’s from these savings that we build enough working capital to fund sacco activities like advancing credit to members and these loans ultimately help the sacco to generate incoe in the form of interest and other commissions which form the bulk of the income” said Mlolwa.

On that positive note, the sacco members would be smiling all the way to the bank to cash in on dividends with the board of directors ratifying dividends of 13 per cent on share capital and interest of 9.8 per cent on members long term deposits.

Mr Mlolwa at the same time pointed out that the sacco would continue working with the communities on various socio-economic areas through its corporate social responsibility initiatives.

The sacco chairman revealed that the strategic plan document was already in place and urged delegates to assist in implementing it.




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